Photo by Antonia Holton-Raphael
Intervenxions is an online publication of TLP that features original writings, criticism, and interviews exploring contemporary Latinx Art, Politics, & Culture.
La Treintena 2021: 30 Books & Chapbooks of Latinx Poetry
Featuring 10 microreviews of upcoming poetry titles and a complete list of 30 forthcoming publications to check out as National Poetry Month comes to a close.
A Mixtape of Grief, Blackness, and Love: On Roberto Carlos García’s [Elegies]
Through experiments with poetic form, the poet and essayist explores both personal and universal themes of grief, as well as love for Black life in their third collection.
Celebrating 50 Years of El Comité-MINP
50 years ago, the struggle against urban renewal led a group of mostly working class Puerto Ricans on Manhattan’s West Side to form a revolutionary socialist movement, combining community-based activism, Third World solidarity, and Puerto Rican independence.
“Abstract Barrios: The Crises of Latinx Invisibility in Cities” [REVIEW]
A new book explores the crucial role of urban planners, architects, designers, policy makers, real estate proprietors, and other power brokers in helping shape Latinx in/visibility in urban environments.
Celebrating “The Afro-Latin@ Reader” at Ten
Ten years after the release of “The Afro-Latin@ Reader: History and Culture in the United States,” several scholars reflect on its impact and how it has shaped the current state of Afro-Latinx Studies.
“Giving Form To An Asian & Latinx America” [REVIEW]
A comparative study on the common history of Latinx and Asian American diasporas as targets in the trajectory of Cold War imperialism, from 1965 to present.
“We Are Not Dreamers: Undocumented Scholars Theorize Undocumented Life in the US” [REVIEW]
A new edited volume featuring current and formerly undocumented scholars contests the popular notion of what it means to be a “DREAMer” and how this narrative and identity has, at times, done more harm than good.
Te juro que va a caer: Patricia Herrera on Nuyorican Feminist Performance
A new work of scholarship foregrounds the experiences and contributions of women to the early Nuyorican movement.
Exhibition Reviews
Book Reviews
Arts & Community
Queer Studies
Film & TV
Afro-Latinx Studies
Focusing on portraiture and landscape, Báez deeply understands how to use art and creolized forms to ascend above displacement.
Alford’s clarity about the relevance of Blackness to Latinx identity serves as a balm for feeling invisible to raceless Latina authors.
The ‘NEGRITA’ doc uses the racial descriptor as an entry point to discuss the lasting effects of colonialism in Latin America, the Caribbean, and its diasporas
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Submission & Editorial Guidelines
Intervenxions is an online publication of TLP that features original writings, criticism, and interviews exploring contemporary Latinx Art, Politics, & Culture. We accept pitches on a rolling basis.
Please read our submission guidelines to learn more.
Click here for the La Treintena open call for poetry books.
See our masthead here.