Photo by Antonia Holton-Raphael
Intervenxions is an online publication of TLP that features original writings, criticism, and interviews exploring contemporary Latinx Art, Politics, & Culture.
Critical Latina Feminist Perspectives on Reproductive Health Post-Roe
Following last year’s Dobbs decision, three feminist scholars discuss its impact on women of color and the ongoing struggle for reproductive health.
Past is Present: The Young Lords Party Revisited
A new film based on the Young Lords’ takeover of Lincoln Hospital prompts further reflection on the revolutionary legacy of the group’s history.
Lessons Learned From the Los Angeles Youth Movement Against The Carceral State
“This is a movement, not a moment.” Los Angeles-based youth of color continue a legacy of challenging the carceral social order.
The Techno-Tamaladas
In the Bay area, a multifarious art project reimagines technological development through Indigenous foodways.
CHARAS and The Reimagination of Loisaida
From the 1970s onwards, community organizing, activism, and extensive arts programming, provided alternative notions of power and ownership for the Puerto Rican community and long time residents of the Lower East Side in the struggle against gentrification and displacement.
How State Violence Translates to Political Action for Immigrants in the Midwest
Informal community networks and rapid response mutual aid helped resist harrowing levels of state violence inflicted on immigrant communities.
The Legacy of Fred Hampton: Remembering as an Active Process
At Proviso East High School in Maywood, Illinois, a growing Latinx immigrant community honors the legacy of its most influential alum.
Exhibition Reviews
Book Reviews
Arts & Community
Queer Studies
Film & TV
Afro-Latinx Studies
Alford’s clarity about the relevance of Blackness to Latinx identity serves as a balm for feeling invisible to raceless Latina authors.
The ‘NEGRITA’ doc uses the racial descriptor as an entry point to discuss the lasting effects of colonialism in Latin America, the Caribbean, and its diasporas
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Submission & Editorial Guidelines
Intervenxions is an online publication of TLP that features original writings, criticism, and interviews exploring contemporary Latinx Art, Politics, & Culture. We accept pitches on a rolling basis.
Please read our submission guidelines to learn more.
Click here for the La Treintena open call for poetry books.
See our masthead here.