cool de sac 1 by Shellyne Rodriguez


Shellyne Rodriguez 

cool de sac 1, 2018

12 x 12 in.

mixed media, framed

Starting Price: $1,000

Artist Statement

My practice is expressed through multiple mediums, such as drawing, painting, collage, sculpture and text to depict or archive spaces and subjects engaged in strategies of survival against erasure and subjugation. My work is rooted in hip hop culture, and thinks through hip hop’s ability to reinvent itself, in its malleability, and in the way it pulls from a variety of sources to create something new.

About the Artist 

Shellyne Rodriguez is an artist, educator, writer, and community organizer based in the Bronx. Her practice utilizes text, drawing, painting, collage and sculpture to depict spaces and subjects engaged in strategies of survival against erasure and subjugation. 



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