El Mal de Ojo by Justin Sterling


Justin Sterling 

El Mal de Ojo, 2023

21 x 2 x 25in

Found window, stain, caulking, stone

Starting Price: $1,500

About the Work

This piece is a representation of an evil eye after a rock was thrown at the window. The broken shards of glass were then puzzled back together and painted, fired, and fixed back to the pane of glass. It is a metaphor of malice and healing from the perspective of a rock thrower. A talisman of luck.

About the Artist

Justin Sterling (b. 1992, Houston, Texas) is a New York City-based visual artist and trumpet player. His chosen medium is the built environment, through recycling and civil disobedience he appropriates the city to create a poetic storytelling relationship within the urban and domestic, which in turn can become a catalyst for social, political, and environmental discourse.



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