What Side Are You On? A Tohono O'odham Life Across Borders is a kind of political biography of Mike Wilson, a Tohono O'odham citizen who worked for the special forces in Central America then had a political awakening that led him to begin establishing water stations for migrants crossing into the US through O'odham land. It's a fascinating story whose telling is made possible through a collaboration between Lucero, a Chicanx political scientist, and Wilson. It offers a rich example of Chicanx-Native intellectual collaboration.
Join us for a book talk with Mike Wilson and José Antonio Lucero on Wednesday, April 23 at 20 Cooper Square, New York University. RSVP link forthcoming.
This event is co-sponsored by Center CIRCL.
RSVP required for this event
Michael Steven Wilson (Tohono O’odham) is a human rights activist, US military retiree, and film documentarian. He lives in Tucson, Arizona.
José Antonio Lucero is Chair and Professor of the Comparative History of Ideas Department at the University of Washington, Seattle and holds a joint appointment in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies.